Laas chapel
Laas chapel


Laas, in the river Osse valley, formerly belonged to the Comté de Pardiac, depending on the Comté d’ Astarac..

Sometimes called « Ténarèze », this antique prehistoric road in the South West of France was, long ago, the way to join Bordeaux  and the Pyrenees without having to cross any bridge or ford. During several centuries, it was one of the most important crossborder road, also used for transhumance. The road was consolidated by the Romans.

The seigneurs de Laas are mentionned in the XIIth century in the old records of Berdoues. They were  entitled to give  (on payment of a dime) the brides their headdress on their wedding day. One of them died fighting the protestants during a siege of Mirande in 1577. 

North of the Church, stood a castle which was replaced in the XVIIth-XVIIIth centuries and which can still be seen today. It belonged in the XVIIth century to the seigneurs de Lamazère, also seigneurs de Laas.

Places to see in the village : the parish church, a XVIIth century mansion « Pouticayrès », and the castle (private).